Chapter 9 Bivariate drift for 2,000 generations

Figure 8.0a

Figure 8.0b


Figure 9.1b. Replicate lineages (sets of 10) evolving by bivariate drift for 2,000 generations. The 95% confidence ellipses for the G-matrix is shown in blue. The 95% confidence ellipses for the diversification of replicate lineage trait means after 2,000 generations is shown in purple. Evolutionary paths of the bivaraite trait mean is shown in black (with grey ghosts indicating past paths). The blue dots show the position of the evolving trait mean at the end of the path. In this animation the two traits are not genetically correlated.

Figure 9.1d. Replicate lineages (sets of 10) evolving by bivariate drift for 2,000 generations, showing the effect of genetic correlation. Same conventions and parameters as in Fig. 8.0a, except that the two traits have a high genetic correlation (rg=0.9).